Visualize everything

Rodrigo Tello

Visualize everything. If you can, draw it. If you're not good at drawing, draw it anyway. Objects, places, goals, rooms, processes, knowledge, concepts, feelings: use every and any tool at your disposal to visualize phenomena in the world. Visualizing is more about using 3D properties and assigning them to abstract constructs than producing a visual artifact per se.

Objects - processes and phenomena is and will henceforth be refered to as objects too - can be: heavy, hollow, below, next to, connected to, broken up in pieces, stacked, assembled in pipeline, reassembeld, organized, inside of, containing other objects, and so forth. All these descriptors have visual qualities, and we, as the visual apes that we are, for better and for worse, should exploit the visual computation power in our brains to defragment and understand those things that we normally can't.

Pencil on paper, pen on paper, words, diagrams, post-its, Jenga blocks, toys, clay, hand gestures, are all valid visualization tools. Organizing physical objects is a visualization act too.

Visualizing is a profession agnostic exercise. Carpenters visualize. Engineers visualize. Lawyers do, maybe, but laws are definitely and effectively visualized, as a tree for example, by the act of nested labeling (e.g. Article 1, bullet B, section X and so forth).

Visualize is an act of observation and representation at the same time. It's understanding and explaining.

Visualize everything.