A raw house

Rodrigo Tello

I want to have a raw house. It's hard to explain what kind of house I want, but a "raw house" is the closest to it.

It can be made out of fabric, or wood, or concrete. It'll be done with extreme details or very detail oriented, where all details matter but no decoration, no superfluous details.

It should be built like a temple. It should feel like abandoned ruins from an ancient civilization, or done by monks yesterday

It should have irrational spaces, wasted spaces, spaces with no other logic than to exist, to comntemplate, and be

I don't have an ideal house, but when I see a house that looks like a raw house, I know it is.

I don't know if I'll be living in NYC or in Mexico, in a rural desertic area of northeast mexico, or in its' tropical area. It'll probably be in Mexico. There's a chance I can get some peace of land before I die at least somewhere in the US, in a non expensive area.

Apartments and living spaces in an urban areas can check these standards, it's just hard to find the right conditions to "break" the logic of the space.